Are You Willing to Flip the Script or Are You Complicit?
While it is exceedingly important to question everything, it is also imperative that we question ourselves.
To operate in the world today, we must always consider that everything isn’t as it seems and that we may not be in control of most things, including our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
The powers that shouldn’t be know exactly how to push our buttons and pull our strings. They know how to distract us from what’s important and how to make us pay attention. They even know how to make us think our ideas are our own. They know what they want us to do and they know how to make us do it.
These organized criminals direct more of our lives than any of us could ever begin to imagine.
They’re using you.
While this isn’t a particularly positive realization, it can be a useful lens to look through while watching events unfold, perusing social media, reading the news, and critically observing our own feelings and actions.
Through years of manipulation, we have been primed to respond to things in specific ways and at specific times. While we are all unique to some extent, I believe that we can be grouped into different character types and that these groupings have not developed organically. They exist for a reason and we each belong to at least one. For a reason.
So, if all the world’s a stage, what can you do? Recite your lines and play your part? Improv a little? Or tear up the script—or at least what you have of it—and tear down the stage?
Stirring up a hornet’s nest.
The powers that shouldn’t be are evil. I don’t have a word for how disturbing they are—in part because I’m only aware of a fraction of just how evil they are. I believe most of us paying attention have barely even scratched the surface. Sometimes I wonder if we would even be able to comprehend what is happening if we were made aware of the truth, but that’s a topic for another time.
To control and to trigger us, our overlords do whatever is necessary. By any means necessary. They’ll harm, they’ll kill, they’ll starve, they’ll burn. Lives are dispensable. Our chaos likely isn’t theirs. They’ll gladly stir up the hornet’s nest, watching us fall in line from their secure, heavily guarded ivory towers, ready to reap the resulting harvest.
They’re using you.
The powers that shouldn’t be believe they’re in control (and to a major extent they are, but I don’t believe they’re meant to be and I don’t believe they always will be).
They believe they’re better, if not entirely different, than us. They believe they own us (and in many ways, it’s true—at least for now). They believe that we’re so much less than them, perhaps that we were even made for them, so they can use us and abuse us as much as they want, whenever they want.
They will stop at nothing to get what they want.
So what do you do? Do you consent? Are you complicit?
It’s okay to ask questions.
If we’re just blindfolded pawns in someone’s multidimensional game, how do we stop playing? Can we stop playing?
I don’t know. And unfortunately, I don’t think we can even answer that question. But I do believe we can find opportunities to choose to play along or refuse to cooperate, even if only temporarily. But this only works if you’re truly aware that there is a game being played, that it rears its head in every aspect of your life, and that you must actively take a step back and consider the bigger picture before you respond to pretty much anything.
And then my ever-questioning mind wonders if that’s just what they want me to do. Am I the contrarian character? Am I supposed to constantly push back on the status quo? Maybe. But since I can never know for sure, rather than going completely insane, I’ll accept that. For now.
So what can we do?
Stay vigilant. Simply having an awareness that an incredible amount of what we see around us is most likely controlled is better than not.
This awareness can help you filter information when you see it cross the screen or the mouths in front of you. It can help you notice patterns. It will help you question your own response to information and events.
Why do you feel so strongly?
Why did that information make you feel angry?
Why did it raise your blood pressure?
Why does that comment make you feel so disgusted?
What made you change your social media banner?
What compelled you to get into the streets?
Having these senses fine-tuned may even help you begin to predict what happens next. Which is a fascinating, albeit a little creepy, experience.
While it is exceedingly important to question absolutely everything, it is also imperative that we question ourselves.
Is your response, whether it is a feeling or an action, coming from somewhere within you or is it somehow being imposed on you? Are you being true to yourself or are you reading a script? Are you being true to yourself or are you seeking validation or belonging or a dopamine boost? Why are you doing what you’re doing?
Only you can know the answer to those questions and I encourage you to ask them of yourself as often as you can.
What I’ve written above is what I currently believe to be true. I’ve watched many movements come to life naturally, evolve, respond, be co-opted and hijacked, and die. I’ve seen countless people manipulated and triggered into specific action both online and off. I’ve watched people deny themselves, instead choosing to live for their group identity. I’ve seen mass manipulation on the internet, perpetrated by algorithms, fake accounts, and fake news.
I’m not linking to studies or documents or whatever you may consider proof—I’m just here to share my observations and my opinions on how the world appears to be working from my vantage point. I’m not here to convince you of anything or to change your mind.
I hope, that by sharing my observations, I may help you open your eyes a little wider, and simply look at things a little differently.
The so-called "elites" are smart, but they're not that smart. I know exactly how they operate and how they operate feels outright primitive compared to what I know. Yet what I know I use for you and me, and not against you and me, and I only use it against the people who aggress against you and me.
The feminist movement is the most obvious example of a hijacked movement. It now uses the energy of those seeking equality and bends it to grievance, and then nihilism. The fuel then becomes anyone who is ever aggrieved at the opposite sex, but the goal wasn’t about equality and empowerment, despite that being the stated goal. The goal was to ruin relationships and most especially talk women out of having babies. IMO.